Maxim Emelyanychev leads Il Pomo d’Oro and a stellar cast in two Baroque tragedies – Purcell’s Dido and Aeneas and Carissimi’s Jephte(Andrew Staples: Jephte, and Aeneas, Carlotta Colombo: Figlia and Second Woman, Joyce DiDonato: Dido, Fatma Said: Belinda, Beth Taylor: Sorceress, Hugh Cutting: Spirit,
Massimo Altieri: Sailor, Alena Dantcheva: First Enchantress, Anna Piroli: Second Enchantress,
Il Pomo d’Oro Choir, Singers from Il Pomo d’Oro Choir and Jephte small roles)
in the Barbican on Friday 2 Feb. 2024
Photo by Mark Allan